BT宽带用户能从BT Vision 下载商店免费下载电影节目

Jan 1 2008 by Flying Dragon

BT Vision已加入媒体和技术开发行列。从2007年末开始,BT的1400万宽带用户,将能够在BT Vision下载商店,免费下载Mischief Night、Played和 The Punk Rock 电影。作为回报,用户需要观看广告。

下载试播电影的用户,将被要求安装Hiro Media——广告放置技术的软件,然后填写相同的图表资料,以便来自RAC、Norwich Union 、the Territorial Army、among others的广告,根据被给的回答插播。用户将有一个月的观看时间并能通过邮件发这些电影给朋友,那之后,朋友也能通过同样的过程免费观看。

BT Vision商务媒体董事长称:我们相信,让选定的广告,与免费或打折收费的电影同时播放,对很多用户将是有吸引力的。我们期待着这个结果。Hiro Media的CEO说:BT作为欧洲第一家允许用户免费下载电影并插播选定的或个性化广告的电信公司,跨出了行业领先的一大步。 如果这个试播成功,BT将会收集更多的可以免费下载的电影。这是一件激动人心的事情。然而,顾客经常下载象电影这样大的文件,或免费或支付费用,都将需要更多地关注下载限制,否则将面临过量缴费的风险。


Tiscali TV to launch March 1

Tiscali TV三月一日推出

Homechoice 将在3月1日以Tiscali TV 的品牌在全英推出服务。Tiscali 在2006年8月兼并了 Homechoice。Homechoice当前只在London 和Stevenage提供服务,拥有大约40,000用户。

Tiscali TV的基础组合,月租£14.99 ,30个频道,将与宽带捆绑推出。Sky One将不包括在这个基础组合内。Tiscali TV的高级组合,£19.99,包括增加的25个以上频道和更多的自选项目内容、宽带及免周末话费。Tiscali 计划以这组捆绑来与 Sky和Virgin Media竞争。Tiscali计划到2008底, 将这项服务推进到自己的整个网络区域内。" Tiscali英国市场的CEO 玛丽.特纳说:Tiscali TV 让顾客的钱花得更值得。我们相信我们的TV产品有一个真实的市场空间。Freeview的成功已显示出很多顾客只想要五个以上的频道而不想支付更高的月租。我们的项目使顾客得到宽带,及他们选择的电视频道以及免费的自选项目。而这些服务,只需要顾客支付一个标准的宽带费用。

Homechoice will rebrand as Tiscali TV on March 1 ahead of a nationwide roll-out of the TV-over-DSL service.Tiscali acquired Homechoice, which is currently available in London and Stevenage, in August 2006. Homechoice has around 40,000 customers, all of whom will become Tiscali TV customers on March 1.

Tiscali TV's basic package will cost £14.99 and will bundle broadband with a basic TV package of 30 channels. Sky One will not be available in the basic pack, but a catch-up TV service for BBC channels and a further 100 hours of on-demand programming including US imports will be included. A "big pack", which adds 25 more channels and more on-demand content, will also be available as will a £19.99 triple-play package of broadband, TV channels and free weekend phone calls. Tiscali plans to position the triple-play option as an alternative to the starter bundles offered by Sky and Virgin Media.

Tiscali is also planning to roll the service out beyond its current boundaries. Birmingham, Edinburgh and Newcastle will be added to the coverage area during April and May, with Leeds, Sheffield and Liverpool to follow shortly after. The company has said that by the end of the year over 10m homes will be covered by its service footprint and by the end of 2008, the service will be available in Tiscali's entire unbundled local loop network area.A new set-top-box will be launched in July. Sporting a 160GB hard-drive, the new Tiscali PVR will also be HD capable.

"Tiscali TV will give our subscribers real value for money, choice and flexibility – things that are core to our brand values," said Tiscali UK CEO Mary Turner. "We believe there is a real gap in the market for our TV product. The success of Freeview has shown that customers want more than five channels but don’t necessarily want to pay a high monthly subscription. Our TV service gives customers broadband plus the channel choice they want and free on-demand programming, all for the price you would pay for a standard broadband connection."
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